Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for Computer Science 1/ GITA 1.
I'm learning C# / C Sharp this year. It is a coding
language to develop Window's Apps.
By utilizing such a potent method of world conquering,
I shall rule the world by using apps to advertise my lampshade company,
and I will take over the world. *extraordinarily evil laugh*

BMI Calculator

Date: 10/04/17

In this program, we learned how to calculate BMI, by inputing height and weight, and recieving a calculated BMI.

Car Rental 1

Date: 9/28/17

In this program, we learned how to calculate prices and output that data.

Car Rental 2

Date: 10/10/17

An extended version of Car Rental 1, with extra features like vehicle images being shown.

Craps Game

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we made a game of craps, digitally and involving no actual currency.

Dice Program

Date: 10/31/17

In this program, we simulated dice rolling with random numbers being given.

Fish Program

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a program that simulates the movement of fish, with the ability to speed up or slow down the movement of the fish.

Goodbye Project

Date: 9/12/17

In this program, we made buttons that translate "goodbye" into four different languages.

Help Page

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we created a help page that can change text by recoloring it and changing font.

Mailing Label

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to generate a mailing label that outputs text in a label from text entered into a text box. random numbers

Slot Machine

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a slot machine with randomly generated numbers and images being shown correlating to those numbers, and when three images match, you win.

Test Score Program

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a program that takes two test scores and calculates statistics about things like average.

T-Shirt Program

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a program that allows you to "purchase" t-shirts and it will calculate the price of your order.

Football Program

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a program that has football statistics for two teams, and it teaches us how to use combo boxes and list boxes.

Fish 2

Date: 11/13/17

In this program, we learned how to make a 2D array, instead of the array we had made before which only involved one line of picture boxes for arrays.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Date: 2/14/17

In this program, we learned how to make a game that plays Tic-Tac-Toe. This taught us how to make a basic game using an array.

AI Tracking Game

Date: 3/7/17

In this program, we learned how to make a game that has an AI enemy tracking you and hurting you when it is close. Your main weapon in the game is a bullet that you can shoot. This taught us how to make a basic AI.


Date: 2/8/17

In this program, we learned how to make a form that makes it look like there are stars flying across the form.

5 Enemy Tracking Game

Date: 3/20/17

In this program, we learned how to make a game that plays similarly to the previous AI related project, except with 5 enemies, and balancing of course so it isn't ridiculously difficult.

Final Project: Pokemon, Slightly Better Than Average Version

Date: 6/7/18

In this program, we created our own games.

Global IT